Supports for Early Childhood Workforce
A goal is to establish systems for all providers of all settings to share best practices and for a cycle of continuous improvement across agencies, programs, and services to become institutionalized for the benefit of all children and their families, including the most vulnerable.
With this goal in mind, PDG B-5 prioritizes the early care and education workforce, with the development of a compensation implementation plan and mental health consultative supports. Below are other ways that PDG intends to support our educators and programs.
For Early Childhood Educators
(Prospective and Current)
(Prospective and Current)
Careers in Early Childhood
Pathways, degrees, and courses
PDG B-5 supports apprenticeship programs, student ambassador program, and increasing pathways to certificates and degrees in EC.
Professional development - Coming Soon
Trauma Informed Care Workshops
Financial support - Coming Soon
Wage stipend pilot for providers serving infants and toddlers to increase compensation.
There are a few ways that the PDG Grant supports programs:
Accreditation Support
If you are a DHS licensed group child care center, licensed group child care home, licensed infant and toddler child care center, or a registered family child care home you may be eligible to:
Receive technical support from a designated accreditation facilitator. Your facilitator will walk you through the accreditation process and be there to support you and your program every step along the way.
Receive funds to cover or reimburse accreditation fees from any of the approved accrediting bodies. First time accreditation and renewing applicants are welcomed to apply.
Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to access both private and public funds to help you on your way to achieving or maintaining accreditation. Funds are limited so please act now.
Continuous quality improvement (CQI)
Laying the foundations for a technical assistance system by developing foundational documents and components for a CQI TA system for the early care and education sector, this includes:
Implementing Leading for Change framework
Drafting and reviewing core foundational documents
Creating program plans
Shared Services
Support an enhancement of the shared service model for small child care businesses
Upcoming Funding Opportunities
Coming soon
Other Related Workforce Efforts
ECE3 Project
The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa College of Education (COE) has a grant from the Early Educator Investment Collaborative (EEIC) intended to develop, expand and implement innovative approaches and dismantle structural barriers to early childhood education workforce preparation and compensation.
News & Announcements
News and Articles for PDG B-5 and Early Childhood
Learn how to access limited funds and get support.
Center Based: 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Home Based: 5:30 PM-6:30PM
December 10, 2023