Grant Dashboard

Coming Soon. This snapshot of information provides general details about accomplishments, progress, and timeliness of activities and task.

Summary of Planned Activities

Activity 1: Updating Needs Assessment

The focus of the needs assessment update is 1) updating a risk/reach assessment, 2) understanding family preferences for early care and learning options, with a special focus on families of vulnerable children, 3) determining economic impact, and 4) integrating data.

Activity 2: Updating Statewide Strategic Plan

Through upcoming stakeholder engagement sessions, we will: 1) revise and update our priorities, strategies, and indicators of success; 2) clarify roles and responsibilities for implementation; 3) improve the transition between planning and implementation; and 4) ensure communication with partners.

Activity 3: Maximizing Family Knowledge

Hawai’i plans to enhance family involvement and information access with the following implementations: a new family resource website; public awareness program; family engagement specialist at EOEL; establishing a parent council; family fairs, parent navigators, and building parent leadership efforts.

Activity 4: Supporting B-5 Workforce & Best Practices

Hawai’i’s plans for supporting the ECCE workforce include a Workforce Compensation Plan; an apprenticeship program; refining ECCE ambassador program; increasing pathways for bachelors degree; and increasing early childhood mental health professionals.

Activity 5: Supporting Program Quality Improvement

Hawai’i will be assisting with the support of several different initiatives including: funding shared services programs for family child care providers; supporting annual developmental screenings; growing programs serving infants and toddlers through early head start and child care partnerships; providing class training and coaching for preschool providers; offering support for child care programs to pursue accreditation.

Activity 6: Subgrants to Enhance Quality and Expand Access to Existing and New Programs

Hawaii’s plans to support program quality improvement include the following: develop a training quality assurance system; build a group of qualified trainers and coaches to support the ECCE workforce; hold workshops in trauma-informed care and on transitions supports.

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Coming Soon