Family Knowledge
Through this grant, the Stateʻs goal is to ensure that: families have increased knowledge to advocate and make informed decisions for their children’s wellbeing and children have access to early childhood services and experience successful transitions across early childhood care and education settings into kindergarten and the early grades.
There are ways you can connect and engage with this grant as a parent or family member, see below:
Current Opportunities
Embracing Your Journey
Embracing Your Journey As Your Child’s First Teacher family guide and Workshops with Family Hui to support the child’s healthy development at home and in early learning programs. It is paired family workshops that will be available to parents.
Parent Leadership
Training Institute
Training Institute
Parent Leadership Institute with Hawaiʻi Children's Action Network to develop parent leaders and build civic engagement.
Upcoming Opportunities
In the future, we may be looking to recruit parents and family members of young children for roles like:
Parent Social Media Influencers:
Promoting early childhood and child development information for technology-savvy families.
Parent Navigators:
Will help families navigate the system to enable easier access to resources and support when applying for needed services.
Early Childhood System Parent Council Members
Coming to Your Community:
Family Fairs:
Family Fairs will serve as a one-stop shop in communities where families reside to be informed of their options for child care or early childhood programs in their communities.
Childcare Resource Service and Other Resources
PATCH is a non-profit dedicated to supporting Hawaiʻi’s child care needs. PATCH provides access to registered and licensed child care, offers child care subsidies to eligible families, provides child development training and ECE scholarship opportunities, and assists those interested in starting a family child care business. PATCH is a free resource hub for families, child care professionals and communities of Hawaiʻi.
Aloha United Way 2-1-1
AUW's 211 Helpline employs dedicated staff to curate and maintain resource data and programs. They can assist and connect you to resources that best fit your geography and need.